The trailer of popular YouTuber Vijay is well known as Eruma Saani Vijay’s ‘D Block’ has been released. This going to be his debut as a filmmaker in Tamil cinema that features Arulnithi and Enna Solla Pogirai fame Avantika Mishra in the lead role.
The filming has been wrapped up and the movie is ready to release it seems that the film will hit in February. The makers reveal the official trailer of the film that is looking quite promisingly done.
D Block: Plot
The new trailer follows that this film will be an intriguing mystery thriller that has been set against the backdrop of an AKR Engineering college hostel campus. The trailer starts with some horror background music and the event is based on a girl’s hostel of the college where something horrible happens in the night. It also shows many scenes like other normal engineering colleges where boys and girls gossip, making romantic love stories between senior and junior.
Arulnithi and Avantika are playing the lead role in this film but things become complicated when night comes and the horrible secrets about girls hostel are become unveiled. The trailer is filled with such moments that even enhance the curiosity and also has been looking like the director Vijay who also has just got an interesting premise in hand. The trailer ends with such action and horror sequences.
We also can watch such a series of mysterious events that are happening inside a hostel and the character of Arulnithi is known popularly for his selection of the scripts and just hoping that.
D Block: Cast
This film is produced by cinematographer Aravind Singh under the banner of MNM Films with the supporting actors that contain Karu Pazhaniappan, Uma Riyaz, Thalaivasal Vijay, Charandeep Ramesh Khanna, Adithya Kathir, and Vijay himself. This movie has been presented by Sakthivelan along with Sakthi Film Factory in Tamil Cinema. The editing has been done by Ganesh Siva and he songs composed by Ron Ethan Yohann of Maya fame. This film is starring Arulnithi, Avantika, Karu Palaniappan, Charandeep, Thalaivasal Vijay, Ramesh Khanna, Uma Riyaz, Vijay Kumar Rajendran, and Adithya Kathir.
D Block: Release Date
The release date of the horror film has not yet been revealed.
Here is the traile
A big thanks for the source.