The trailer of Deepika Padukone and Siddhant Chaturvedi’s upcoming drama film Gehraiyaan has been dropped. This film is looking like a tale of dreams and also about such unrequited desires of the two actors and finding love in each other. It also reveals the guilt of being unfaithful for their partners like Dhairya Karwa and Anaya Pandey respectively.
The first look teaser has been dropped by the filmmakers on Monday, this film will take the audience into the deep of their passionate romance. The teaser shows the emotions and has been reflected in the title track for playing in the background.
The latest teaser of the film has been contained with such melancholy having each of the four main characters and it has just wonder the exact of the meaning of the real love and happiness. It shows that the relationship drama revolves into the complex to the modern relationships, adulating, letting go, and also about to taking the control of life path of ones according to the synopsis of the film.
Gehraiyaan: Cast
This film is featuring Naseeruddin Shah and Rajat Kapur, this film has jointly been produced by Kran Johar’s Dharma Productions and Viacom 18 Studios that has been associated with Shakun Batra’s Jouska Films. The film is the third feature after Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu and Kapoor & Sons.
Tha actress Deepika Padukone just shared the teaser with the caption, “ A piece of my heart…,” Siddhant Chaturvedi wrote, “ they say you leave pieces of yourself in everything you love. Maybe you will find my heart here.”
At the time of speaking about Gehraiyaan, Shakun said, “ Gehraiyaan for me is not just a movie. It is a journey into the intricacies of human relationships, it is a mirror into modern about relationships, how we traverse through the maze of feelings and emotions and how each step, each decision we make affects our lives and the lives of those around,” he also believes, “ audiences will relate to this film very closely.”
Karan Johar told about the film, “ an intense, real, and honest observation of modern relationships” Shakun is lauded for doing a great job of portraying the complexities of the emotions of the humans. He also added,” That combined with the cast’s earnest and powerful performances, make the film a truly compelling story,”
Gehraiyaan: Release Date
This film will release on 25th January 2022 on Amazon Prime Video.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.
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