Lightyear trailer is out now. It is an upcoming animated science fiction action-adventure film. It is produced by Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Pictures. The movie Lightyear is a spin-off of Pixar’s Toy Story series, it served as an origin story for the human space ranger Buzz Lightyear, who has inspired the action figure of the same name. The film is directed by Angus Maclane and it stars the voice of Chris Evans.
Basically, Toy Story is incomplete with Buzz Lightyear. But what is the story behind it? So, in order to give the answer to all the questions, the new Disney and Pixar film titled Lightyear. The teaser trailer of the film was released by the filmmakers on Wednesday i.e. 27th October 2021. The filmmakers have also promised that the film is going to contain lots of interesting stuff. By adding excitement to it, the film is having on board Captain America aka actor Chris Evan who has lent his voice to Buzz Lightyear. While talking about the film and the role, Chris has expressed his feelings that he had “goosebumps” every time he has watched the trailer.
Here we present the trailer:-
He has written, “I’m covered in goosebumps. And will be every time I watch this trailer. Or hear a Bowie song. Or have any thought whatsoever between now and July cause nothing has ever made me feel more joy and gratitude than knowing I’m a part of this and it’s basically always on my mind”.
He said in a statement, “The phrase ‘a dream come true’ gets thrown around a lot, but I have never meant it more in my life. Anyone who knows me knows that my love for animated films runs deep. I can’t believe that I get to be a part of the Pixar family and work with these truly brilliant artists who tell stories unlike anyone else. Watching them work is nothing short of magic. I pinch myself every day,” the note read. Sharing it, Chris wrote, “Animated movies were an enormous part of my childhood. They were my escape. My adventures. My dreams. They were my first window into the magic of storytelling and performing”.
The film Light year will introduce the legendary Space Ranger that will win generations of Fans. It is going to be released on 17th June 2022.