WhatsApp has been reportedly working on a lot of new features. The latest feature that the messaging app was spotted working on will change the way you converse on the app. As per reports, WhatsApp is working on message reactions. The feature will let you react to messages. You can place an emoji on a message to express what you feel about it. The message reactions feature is already available on Instagram, Twitter, iMessage.
According to WABetaInfo, we could soon be able to add reactions to messages sent by our friends and contacts. In basic terms, message reactions just allow you to add a present array of emoji responses to messages you’ve received. By no means is this a killer feature, but it can save time if you are just agreeing to something a contact has said or maybe even as a rudimentary poll in group chats.
WABetaInfo has shared a screenshot of the feature that shows a message which reads that the user is on an older version of WhatsApp that does not support reactions. The screenshot shared by WABetaInfo is from the latest WhatsApp beta for Android build. The feature was found by WhatsApp tracker WABetaInfo and no users or beta testers will be able to try out the feature as of now. The report states that WhatsApp is currently testing the messages reaction feature internally.
The message reactions feature will be available on both Android and iOS apps, as well as the web and desktop clients. This will be similar to the message reactions we have seen on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger where users can just react with an expression (emoji) instead of replying to the message.
It’s unclear how WhatsApp will implement message reactions or whether users can react with virtually any emoji. The specifics aren’t yet known. It’s likely that the feature will wallow in beta builds before arriving for everyone, so don’t expect to see message reactions on your device anytime soon.