Recent news reports state that the Chinese tech giant Xiaomi has unveiled a quadrupedal robot named CyberDog. This is an experimental, open-source machine that the company says “holds unforetold possibilities.”
we have recently heard rumours that most of the tech companies are showing active interest in embracing the quadrupedal form factor in their robotics division and the unveiling of Cyberdog by Xioami is a prime example of this.
Previously we have also seen Spot, a machine built by US firm Boston Dynamics. It went on sale last year for $74,500 and is serving a range of uses from surveying dangerous mines to helping doctors connect with patients remotely.
For now, Xiaomi has not made it clear as to what is the purpose of its CyberDog. However the company has many times previously stressed the open-source nature of the machine’s design and that it would also release only 1,000 units initially for “Xiaomi Fans, engineers, and robotic enthusiasts.” The first 1,000 units of the Cyberdog will cost only 9,999 Yuan, or roughly $1,540.
Xiaomi has also reported that CyberDog has a “pet-like nature,” including its ability to respond to voice commands and following its owner like a real dog. However, the renders of the Cyberdog revealed by Xiaomi makes it seem like some protagonist from a sci-fi TV show, pacing upstairs and appearing silhouetted in doorways.
Xiaomi claims that its CyberDog is nimble enough to perform backflips and can trot along at speeds of 3.2m/s and it weighs just 3kg which is extremely light. The robot is powered by Nvidia’s Jetson Xavier AI platform and comes equipped with an array of cameras and sensors, including touch sensors, a GPS module, an ultra-wide-angle fisheye lens, and Intel’s RealSense D450 camera for depth-sensing.
“CyberDog can analyze its surroundings in real-time, create navigational maps, plot its destination, and avoid obstacles. Coupled with human posture and face recognition tracking, CyberDog is capable of following its owner and darting around obstructions.”
CyberDog also comes with three USB-C ports and one HDMI port, which can be used to customize its hardware. It reported that Xiaomi further plans on connecting the robot with lidar sensors, panoramic cameras, and searchlights.