Xiaomi’s sub-brand Redmi has announced the launch date of the RedmiBook in India. The launch is scheduled for 3rd August in India. The RedmiBook will be the first laptop from the company that will launch in India. Previously Xiaomi has been launching the Mi Notebook series in India and they have gained quite some popularity in India as well.
This launch date announcement was made officially via Redmi India’s official Twitter handle.
“So, folks in the laptop team have been up to some shenaniga ..They have been working on a top-secret project and a couple of scenes have leaked! We think you’ll love to see what these guys have been up to!” wrote the company in the tweet.
In the above-mentioned official tweet, the image shows the launch date of the new laptop and the first look at the device itself. From the above image, we can see that it has a thin bezel and a front-facing camera at the top of the display. The branding is done at the bottom bezel of the laptop and the whole laptop looks pretty slim in the image.