It has been a couple of days since when Realme CEO Madhav had shared the first image of the Realme laptop and upcoming flagship smartphones. The Realme Book and the Realme GT series were officially hinted at by Madhav.
In one of his tweets, Madhav had shared all the variants of the Realme GT series and have already asked the viewers to guess which of those devices will launch in India next. By guessing some will earn a chance to win one of the new Realme GT devices.
Madhav Seth has shared the images of the boxes of Realme GT, GT Neo, GT Master Edition, and GT Explorer Master Edition. After that Madhav has directly shown the image of the Realme Book and the Realme GT Explorer Edition. The Realme Book will be one of its kind featuring a unique 3:2 aspect ratio display.
It seems like with all these hints surfacing on the internet the company is willing to launch both devices pretty soon. In the case of the laptop, it is yet to debut but the Realme GT series smartphones were already launched in some parts of the world but the India launch awaits. Realme had already hinted that the launch will happen within the month of August and September.
Apart from this Madhav is also teasing the launch of the company’s brand new innovation that will debut next month.