At last Ajay Devgn’s film, Bhuj has dropped the trailer on Monday. Ajay Devgn has shared the first teaser for his upcoming film on his social media. The teaser has exposed deadly strikes, launching of missiles, warship attacks, and many more.
In this we will see Ajay Devgn in the full form, Sonakshi Sinha with a special dance number and Sanjay Dutt has made a strange appearance. In this film, we will also see gorgeous Nora Fatehi. We will also hear the voice-over of Ajay Devgn where he is telling us not to mourn his death. He has chosen martyrdom for himself.
This incredible action film is directed by Abhishek Dudhaiya, the story of the film is based on the 1971 Indo-Pak war. We will see Ajay Devgn is playing the role of Squadron Leader Vijay Karnik in this movie.
Vijay Karnik was the man in charge of the Bhuj airbase during the 1971 war, that was faced heavy bombing from Pakistan. In this film, we will see how Pakistan has raided the Bhuj Airfield 35 times within 14 days. The action sequence has been directed by Ajay. In this sequence, Ajay Devgn has taken over the south stunt coordinator Peter Hein who was not available before the shootings.
The spokesperson of the film has said that the fact is true that Ajay has designed the action sequence for the film. The action sequence comes at a crucial juncture in the narrative. In the first part, Ajay has seen attempting a hand-to-hand battle as he is fighting the spies sent by the Pakistan army.
On the other portion Sanjay Dutt and also Sharad Keker has taken the baddies and the remaining action scenes are handled by Peter Hein in the middle of March he was not available when this section was supposed to shot.
As the Powai studio had booked by the producers such as Ginny Khanuja, Bhushan Kumar, Vajir Singh, and Kumar Mangat Pathak and get the combination of dates of the actors and they request Ajay to take charge. We all have seen his expertise in mounting to the high octane fighting scene like his father Veeru Devgn.
This film is featuring Ajay Devgn, Sonakshi Sinha, Sanjay Dutt, and Nora Fatehi.
Release Date
This film is set to premiere on 13th August 2021.
Here is the teaser of the film: