The popular female-based drama series of Netflix named She is set to return for its second season. It is a crime thriller drama series by Imtiaz Ali which is featuring Aaditi Pohankar. The shooting of the second season is already underway, and the creator of the series also has announced a more exciting and promising season at this time.
This series is one of the top-rated crime drama series that has been written by Divya Johri and Imtiaz Ali. The story of this series is based on the female constable who has joined an undercover mission to catch the underworld drug-dealing gang. We will see Aaditi playing the lead role of Bhumika, who becomes a prostitute to uncover the dark mysteries of the underworld. The first season has got a huge rating and fan base, and it becomes one of the top Netflix shows of 2020.
She (Season 2): Shooting Underway
Netflix has renewed it soon, back in March. Due to the pandemic situation, all the schedules of the series have been spoiled. At last, some good news popped up from the creators. The filming of She (Season 2) has started.
The creator of the series Imtiaz Ali has revealed all his excitement for the second instalment of this series. He has posted on social media with the quote that she has trading haunting waters but be aware as anything she is dealing with will fetch a new storm.
The lead character of the series Aaditi Pohankar also has shared that the filming for She(Season 2) has been officially started. The actress spread the hype in the audience through her Instagram post with hints that more intense and thrilling seasons are set to come up.
She (Season 2): Cast
In the second season of the series, we will see Aaditi Pohankar as Bhumika Pardeshi, Vijay Verma as Sasya, and also Viswas Kini in the role of Fernandez, Visesh Sagar as Karthik, Kishore Kumar G will come as Nayak, Saqib Ayub as Hemant, it is expected that new faces might be added to make the storyline more exciting.
She (Season 2): Release Date
The first season of “She” was directed by Avinash Das and Arif Ali on Netflix on 20th March 2020. As it becomes a year since then, but at last, there is little light of hope, and the shooting is continuing with full force. Though there is no more update about it, it is expected that streaming king will drop the sequel on the first of 2022.
Here is the trailer:
fantastic series best ive seen keep it comeing