Qualcomm’s best mobile processor, the Snapdragon 888, is getting even more powerful at MWC 2021 with the announcement of the Snapdragon 888 Plus. The upgraded model boasts a boosted clock speed, bumping the Kryo 680 CPU from 2.84 GHz up to 2.995 GHz (which Qualcomm is optimistically rounding up to 3 GHz in its marketing.)
Qualcomm has announced its new flagship Snapdragon 888 Plus SoC. The new chip will feature high-end devices starting Q3 2021. The new Qualcomm SoC gets two major performance improvements. The SoC’s prime core CPU gets boosted to 2.995GHz, compared to 2.84GHz on the SD888 SoC.
Qualcomm further said that the new flagship processor comes with an improved AI performance. The new 6th Gen Qualcomm AI Engine has an improved 20 percent performance, resulting in 32 TOPS (Total Operations Per Second) compared to 26 TOPS on SD888. The performance parameters found on the SD888 and also found on the Plus variant. This means that the 5nm SD888+ gets the same X60 5G Modem and Adreno 60 GPU. Other features of the SoC include Bluetooth 5.2 support, FastConnect 6900, triple ISP camera capabilities, Snapdragon Elite Gaming, etc.
The Snapdragon 888 Plus is manufactured using a 5nm process and shares many features with its predecessor. There are some upgrades – even though the 888 Plus features the same 6th Generation AI Engine with Hexagon 780 Processor and 2nd gen Sensing Hub, Qualcomm was able to squeeze more performance out of the system.
The chipmaker has confirmed that several companies are already working on smartphones that will draw power from the new flagship smartphone processor. The likes of Asus, Xiaomi, Motorola, Honor, Vivo, etc will be among the first to adopt the new SD888+ SoC. These companies will commercially launch their respective devices starting Q3 2021.
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