Telegram will be coming out with an amazing update, one with which it looks to add major upgrades to its messaging clients across different platforms. The update is a significant one with it enabling group video calls along with upgrades to its UI and design.
Their video calling feature appears to be inspired by the recent updates around the tech community, especially Apple’s updates to their FaceTime during the WWDC 2021.
Telegram will now support group video calls, the user will need to initiate a group voice call, and then tapping their camera will automatically place them in a group video call. Telegram has not placed a limit on the number of group voice call participants but currently, group video calls are limited to 30 people. They will increase it in the coming days.
Telegram has also added the feature of screen-sharing during video calls. Apart from just sharing your camera feed, you can share documents, slides, and images as well. By default, it displays your entire screen but desktop users will be given a choice of sharing the entire screen or a particular window.
Telegram has also added an updated background noise suppression feature to voice chats. Similar to Apple, Telegram will now also offer to turn this off if the user wants to send all the sound that the mic is capturing without any alterations as such.
For tablets and desktop users, video calls will feature a large split-screen view of the video grid along with the list of participants. Group video calls on desktops will be a separate window so the user will be able to do other things without minimizing the video call.
Aside from the video features, Telegram will also be adding more features to their UI. There is now added support for animated backgrounds, which will be a first for messaging apps. The background features spinning color patterns that animate every time you send a message. You will be able to choose your own colors and patterns throughout the settings, Now telegram says that these are fairly light on resources so they will not bog down your performance or consume too much power.
Animated backgrounds created by the user can also be shared with others.
The message sending animation has been updated and the text, emoji, and stickers now smoothly glide upwards from the text box into the chat, similar to iMessage.
Aside from these changes, telegram will have two new app icons on iOS, login info reminders, a bot menu to browse the list of commands, and even more, animated emoji. Telegram is also releasing tools for developers to create their apps that will let people generate custom unique stickers and import them to Telegram in one tap.
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