The All India Football Federation has announced that the I-League will be held in Kolkata behind closed doors due to the rise in Coronavirus cases.
Subrata Dutta who is the Senior Vice President of the All India Football Federation and also the chairman of the I-league committee who chaired the recent meeting via video conferencing on 26th June.
AIFF General Secretary Mr. Kushal Das and I-League CEO Mr. Sunando Dhar, Mr. Souter Vaz, Mr. Lalnghinglova Hmar, Mr. Anil Kumar, Mr. Chirag Tanna and Mr. Rochak Langer were the other members of the committee who were present in the meeting while Mr. BK Roka was absent from the meeting.
Due to the sudden rise of COVID-19, the I-League will consist of 13 teams in the Salt Lake Stadium, Kolkata while the teams will have to stay in their bio-bubbles. Adding on to that prior to the beginning of the I-League, an I-League qualifier consisting of 10 teams will be played in Bengaluru.