Lenovo launched its ThinkPad X1 Fold in India yesterday, and the machine is the company’s first flagship laptop with a folding display. It features a multilink torque hinge that enables the folding design and comes with a Bluetooth Mini Fold. Coming to other specifications, the laptop features a 13.3-inch 2K (2,048×1,536 pixels) p_OLED display made by LG Display.
It runs on Windows 10 Pro and also comes preloaded with the Lenovo Mode Switcher app that allows the machine to change its orientation as per the requirement. Unlike other foldable screen machines, which are fragile, the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold is touted to be a rugged and tough device. It also has passed the MIL-STD 810H certification.
The machine is powered by an Intel Core i5 processor, along with 11th-generation Intel UHD graphics, 8GB of LPDDR4x RAM, and up to 1TB of PCIe-NVMe M.2 2242 SSD. for connectivity, the laptop offers Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth v5.1, and two USB Type-C 3.2 Gen 2 ports (one of which can be used as a DisplayPort).
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold price starts at Rs. 3,29,000. The laptop is currently available for purchase through the Lenovo India website and is listed there at an initial price tag of Rs. 2,48,508.
The machine also supports Dolby Atmos for excellent sound quality, and at that price range and its features are still a great choice. However, the absence of a graphics card is still a concern, and we hope that Lenovo might consider adding a GPU in its future versions. Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold debuted in the US back in January last year at $2,499 (roughly Rs. 1,85,700).