Earlier 2020. Samsung had launched the Galaxy M21 and Galaxy M31 smartphones in India and later that year, the South Korean giant launched the Galaxy M31 Prime Edition in the market. The Prime Edition is an upgraded version of the regular one with Amazon apps and services. However, at that time, Samsung didn’t launch the Prime Editon of the Galaxy M21. But a recent report has come out saying that Samsung is about to launch the Galaxy M21 Prime Edition for the Indian market very soon.
As per the specifications of the device nothing has been confirmed yet. However, the M21 Prime Edition has already been listed on multiple certification websites with model number SM-M215G: Samsung India website’s support page, Google Play Console, BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards), and much more.
Comparing with the M31 Prime Edition, we can expect that the M21 Prime Edition will also arrive with the exact same set of specs as the regular one, but this time, Amazon apps and a 3-month Amazon Prime subscription will be pre-loaded. So, the price tag will definitely be slightly higher.
Specifications of Galaxy M21:
- 6.4-inches Super AMOLED display
- 48MP + 8MP + 5MP rear cameras
- 20MP front camera
- Exynos 9611 SoC
- Up to 6GB RAM and 128GB ROM
- 6000mAh battery
- 15W fast charging
The Samsung Galaxy M21 is one of the few smartphones in the market which is featuring a Super AMOLED display and 6,000mAh battery in a single device. The device is powered by an Exynos 9611 SoC chipset paired with 4GB/6GB RAM that will deliver a great smartphone experience.
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