After Apple announced their Spring Special Event the South Korean tech giant Samsung has also announced a virtual Galaxy Unpacked event, which should take place on April 28th. The official social media handles, including the Samsung newsroom and the YouTube channel of the company, have shared the official news via a short teaser video captioning “the most powerful Galaxy is coming”.
The Galaxy Unpacked Event was announced pretty surprisingly and over the last few weeks, some new Galaxy Notebooks have surfaced revealing live images as well as key specifications. These include the Galaxy Book Pro, Galaxy Book Pro 360, and Galaxy Book Go. Nothing has been confirmed officially as the company has just announced the event. The official news will need time to surface gradually.
At this point in time, it is very unlikely that Samsung will launch smartphones, wearables, or any other mobile accessories. So it is safer to assume that we are expecting more Galaxy Notebooks than any other gadgets right now. And the “the most powerful Galaxy is coming” is most likely referring to the most powerful Galaxy Notebooks.
Watch the launch here:
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