Google the world’s most famous search engine has everything a user requires but it also has a lot of irritating features. Did you know that Google can track our location whenever we browse and also that it precisely knows a lot about us than our friends do? You might have wondered has to how exactly the search engine giant makes money. Well, Google makes most of its money by displaying advertisements.
According to recent information, Google has started a new technology that will replace its third-party cookies.
But Google’s rival DuckDuckGo is already announcing that it wants to block that technology from Google with its chrome extension. However, Google states that the new technology is designed to be a more privacy-centered way to track users and display the advertisement to them. But, some privacy organizations like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, have claimed that it could be harmful to consumers.
According to sources, the tech works to sort users into groups based on their behavior. Advertisers can then target those groups instead of individual people. However, privacy organization states that FLoC IDs could still be bad for consumers, containing potentially sensitive information as well as providing another data point that lets advertisers individually identify you.
But, addressing the concern, DuckDuckGo announced that the latest version of its Chrome extension would prevent websites from tracking users via their FLoC identification. However, the search engine also stated that it will require approval from Google to release its extension.
DuckDuckGo taking a stand against Google’s new technology isn’t anything new. Since the main selling point of the search engine is users’ privacy DuckDuckGo will always advocate to protect users who don’t want to be tracked. Google’s technology isn’t even out of the testing phase yet, and other companies are already looking to block it.