At the consumer electronic show this year, MSI showed off almost 30 new Intel 500-series motherboards. All the models are based on the Z590 chipset such as the MEG Z590 Godlike, MEG Z590 ACE, etc., mid-range B560 offerings such as MPG B560I Gaming Edge Wi-Fi, MAG B560M Mortar Wi-Fi, etc., and budget boards based on the H510 chipset such as the H510M Pro, H510M-A Pro, and the H510i Pro Wi-Fi.
As we know, Intel will be officially released its 11th generation Rocket Lake CPUs and they will be made publicly available from tomorrow. MSI on the other hand has already planned for a digital event to showcase Rocket Lake in action together with the new Z590 and B560 motherboard lineup.
The event, titled “MSI X Intel Launch Event 2021: Launching to New Heights“, will take place on March 31 at 16:00 Taiwan Time (13:30 IST; UTC+8). In the event, the company will showcase how MSI motherboards and Intel Rocket Lake together can help in productivity, gaming, and content creation.
The viewers of the event can also participate in activities during the event to win several prizes. Participants stand to win several prizes including an Xbox Series X, MSI MAG274QRF-QD monitor, and an MSI MPG Z590 Gaming Carbon Wi-Fi motherboard. Winners of the contest will be announced on April 21, 2021.
So, let’s wait and see what MSI has planned for its event and the performance of its motherboards with Intel’s Rocket Lake CPU.