OnePlus had launched its OnePlus Buds Z TWS earphones in the month of October last year, which went for sale on 24th December 2020. Now, OnePlus has launched the OnePlus Buds Z Steven Harrington Edition TWS earphones in the Indian market for ₹3,699 ($51). This Steven Harrington Edition comes in two-tone color (two earbuds have separate colors): Purple and Mint with a matching charging case. This edition is a special one as each earbud features Steen Harrington’s signature styled graffiti along with unique caricatures and designs. Apart from that unique design, everything remains the same compared to the OnePlus Buds Z TWS earphones launched in October 2020.
The OnePlus Buds Z is the most affordable version of the OnePlus Buds. The Buds Z feature 10mm dynamic drivers and 3D stereo audio, which is powered by Dolby Atoms for a more immersive experience, plus Bass Boost for a deeper sound. These earbuds give 20 hours of playback on a single charge and also support fast charging that will give three hours of playback with a 10-minute charge.
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The OnePlus Buds Z is supported by Qualcomm Quick Pair Technology and has Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity. These earbuds bring better water resistance and also rain and sweat proof. The buds are rated IP55 and they should be able to withstand more rigorous tasks as compared to the original. The earbuds Z also IPX4 rating which keeps them safe from splashing water.
The buds also feature a quick switch function which allows the user to connect with two different devices and switch between them with a double-tap. These buds also support quick pairs so that the user’s phone will connect as soon as the buds case is opened.
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As per the pricing and availability, the OnePlus Buds Z Steven Harrington Edition will be available for sale on 26th January (for the OnePlus Red Cable Club members), i.e. tomorrow at a price tag of ₹3,699 (~$51) in India. The open sale for everyone will start one day later (27th January) via the OnePlus Online Store, Amazon, Flipkart, and OnePlus offline stores.