5G Spectrum auctions in India are set to happen in July, the process for it has already been initiated as per Union Minister of Telecom and IT Ashwini Vaishnav. He confirmed that the rollout will happen very soon immediately after the auctions conclude.
5G Network will be rolled out in August-September:
As per recent reports, the auction was originally scheduled to be delayed but prominent Telcos such as Airtel and Jio have already been working on developing the 5G connectivity across the nation for a while. This process will aid companies to roll out their services based on the network.
The Union Minister did not give an exact date from when the services will be rolled out but we know that nearly over 72GHz of the spectrum that is valued at an estimated 5 lakh crore rupees will be auctioned for 20 years. It will offer the low, mid, and high-frequency bands to the telecom operators.
The latest network once rolled out will beat the existing bandwidth by up to 10 times as it offers high speeds, and low latency, and is more reliable in comparison to the previous generation network.
In Phase 1 of the rolling out, Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Pune, Chennai, Gandhinagar, Jamnagar, Ahmedabad, and Chandigarh will get 5G services. Eventually, the network will be rolled out to other cities and towns.
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