Cyberpunk 2077 review after three major updates: A great PC game for those who love open-world RPG

Okay, I am pretty late to write the review of this game as I was indeed busy playing Cyberpunk 2077 for almost two weeks now. Obviously, I was quite frustrated to see the bugs and graphics related issues until both the major Hotfix 1.04 and Hotfix 1.05 updates arrived.

Both of these updates have fixed quite a lot of issues and as I am a Ryzen user, the Hotfix 1.05 update also boosted the performance by almost 40%. I will not say that Cyberpunk 2077 is free of bugs now but still the experience seems lot better than it was during day one launch.

Besides all these, undoubtedly, talking about the game is one of the most interesting and vast games I’ve ever tested, and in a true sense, it is a PC game. Yes, the hardware required to run this game has to be quite modern to get the best out of it. The open-world RPG game has various choices and options that can make or break the entire timeline.

The game was tested on both new and old GPUs and CPUs, with ray tracing off and on, so here’s the experience of the game so far:

Cyberpunk 2077 review after three major updates: A great PC game for those who love open-world RPG

Your Path & Character

One of the most interesting decision to be made is when you start the game because your Lifepath and character could actually make a lot of changes to your storyline.

A nomad has a different set of characters and character involved around him or her, yes even the gender choice is damn important. It could actually affect the choices, and the way by which the characters in the story reacts to you.

Cyberpunk 2077 review after three major updates: A great PC game for those who love open-world RPG

The character you make has to deal with a lot of people and the answers you make will indeed leave an impact on the storyline.

Cyberpunk 2077 review after three major updates: A great PC game for those who love open-world RPG

The way you dress, the things you carry, the weapons you opt to use, and even your cyberdeck could actually change the gameplay. The gear that you collect from various missions can be sold or use to upgrade yourself, and to customize your look is another great thing as you have literally infinite ways of dressing up.

With every mission you collect perk points that can be redeemed to upgrade you body attributes like reflex, technical ability, and other stuff.

Cyberpunk 2077 review after three major updates: A great PC game for those who love open-world RPG

One of the key advantages of being a futuristic game is the unique concepts it brings to the table. The modification you can make to the cyberwar directly affects the game and you play it, just go to a ripper doc and use it to buy the available items – from hands to nervous system, you can customize your body in the game.

Night City

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Obviously, the main attraction of this game is Night City with all its glory, a futuristic place that has been made with utter dedication with over years now. The skyscrapers, towers, huge buildings made in a futuristic way and unique bridges to connect, the game’s entirety focuses on it.

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The roads look very lifelike be it day or night, the illuminations at night makes the Night City even more beautiful. The big displays all over the place, the holdings, advertisements, everything makes Night City a futuristic place in Cyberpunk 2077.

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The rooms, the way of interaction and the style of living takes a totally new way with each of them made so niche way that it indeed looks you are in 2077. Even your mirror in your bathroom is digital, everything in Night City is digital and the compact form of digital living is clearly evident throughout the game.


Cyberpunk 2077 review after three major updates: A great PC game for those who love open-world RPG

The Night City in Cyberpunk 2077 is really vast that offers a vast opportunity to a gamer who can look around the city to carry out various objectives and travel either with a vehicle or just fast travel to any points.

Fast Travel is really a great way to travel quickly throughout the city to explore various objectives and places you have already visited. Almost all new games with future maps are implementing this feature and is indeed quite helpful.

Cars & Vehicles

This game gives you a heck lot of vehicle choices to make – from the fastest racing cars to all the way up to rusted old school SUVs. You can even try various hi-tech Militech vehicles as a part of the mission or just buy bikes, cars to add to V’s personal vehicle list.

I like the fact that you can call any of your owned vehicles in any part of the map – a futuristic feature I will love to have in the next 50 years maybe.

Bars & Cafes

The Night City is filled with cafeteria’s, bars, pubs, and many more things that may be possible in the future only. Each of the different outsets was unique to each other with each having its own uniqueness and that made it look even more beautiful and I do appreciate the hard work put in making all these possible.

Objectives & Characters

Okay, the game involves a lot of side jobs asides the main story and you have to complete them before you move way forward in your main storyline.

The game is filled with a number of contacts, characters who can prove to be your friend or enemy based on the decisions to take. Jackie will be the first main character you will stumble upon and he can end up being dead only because of your decisions.

The Night City gives you a number of friends and foes, its up to you whom you want to make your bestie. Each decision you take can change the entire portfolio of the game and each time you will end up thinking how could the game progress if I would have taken that decision.

Cyberpunk 2077 is filled with various side missions and objectives that you should definitely try out aside from the main storyline else you will never get them back. After the prologue of the game until Johnny gets into your head the map will be locked but having done the main big mission that brings Johnny, you are free to roam throughout Night City and beyond that.

Each time you meet a new person, the characters contact gets added to your phone and each has various missions from time to time. These missions and objectives also help you to earn money which can be used to upgrade your cyberwire or even your weapons. I used these missions to collect as many weapons I could and I would sell them every often.

Also, not only side missions, when you roam around the city there will be various opportunities to help NCPD, as your a merc in the game, by stopping crimes or getting into investigations.


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The biggest factor of this game is the choices you make in the game, each of the missions involve several characters and you need to deal with a lot of people. Your single choice can even take the life of the character, so for every choice you have different consequences.

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You can also make a difference even with your phone, you can call some of your contacts and you will have decisions to make, even you can text someone and that can change the story entirely.

The Story & Johnny Silverhand

Apart from all these, the main thing is of course V’s story, which is already pre-determined and each decision of yours will leave an impact on the original storyline.

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You can start as a Nomad or Street Kid or even as a Corpo, however, Jackie will be a common person whichever LifePath you choose. Ultimately you have to get into Araska Tower and steal the relic that contains Johnny Silverhand’s engram. Until that stage it will be your prologue and after that the main story begins.

Johnny Silverhand, aka Keanu Reeves, is all over your head, and whatever action you do, he is there in your head. It’s great to see the concept woven by the game developers. The futuristic storyline is very captivating as both V and Johnny will be interlinking with each other after the prologue.

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Obviously, the intro of Johnny is a brief one but a great one honestly, and you can play with his character and get to know his dark past. I liked the unique futuristic concept and the way Johnny’s engram is shown to be stuck inside V’s head.

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Wherever you go, whatever mission you play you have Johnny Silverhand by your side commenting on what you are doing and can indeed leave an impact to your decisions. You have some exclusive missions relating to his past as well.

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As you dig in the past, you have opportunities to know about Johnny’s love Alt and what happened actually to their love life. This is indeed connected to the backstory behind why all this happened, and he attacked Arasaka, and he was dead, a well-paved story and gamers can play with Keanu Reeves character and make decisions.

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Braindance, Hacking & Digital memory

The theory of Braindance is very fascinating and unique, a concept of 2077 that can indeed be possible as one can record the memory and another person can relive the same memory being the other person. So, you can use other’s memories as Braindance and do some detective work as well.

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The advantage of having a digital brain is that you can hack anything with your eyes and these are called quick hacks. In very difficult missions these tiny things can help you a lot as there a lot of deadly missions in the game.

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The digital memory concept is very intriguing and the way how the main story evolves with Johnny and the concept shown is fascinating. A world for AIs, the digital soul in the cyber world is really unique and goes beyond my head as well, but liked it anyway.

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Weapons & Accessories

The weapons in the game are dope as you have a variety of futuristic weapons with a bold look. From heavy snipers and machine guns to assault rifles and pistols, you have both hereditary look guns and modern, classy electrical guns; with every level, the power of your weapons keeps on increasing.

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The weapon and accessory management are pretty good, honestly, in the inventory section, you can manage the three main weapons you want to carry. Also, your accessories give you some resistance as they work as armor as well as providing you a stylish look.

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Romance & Sex

This is an 18+ game and so it involves a lot of romancing options in the story line whichever lifpath you may choose. You do not know which decision of yours could get you laid on bed and which can actually cut him or her to pieces.

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Both Judy and Panam are the most distinctive characters you come across and you can romance with Panam if you start as a male in the game, whereas you can romance with Judy if you start as a girl.

Cyberpunk 2077 review after three major updates: A great PC game for those who love open-world RPG

When it comes to get laid, the game is filled with adult things and with a single message you can actually get laid with a cop as well. Also, there are prostitutes in the game both for men and women and there’s sex toys and what not, the content is very explicit and pretty real.

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4K footage of the game without Ray Tracing

The Graphics

Well, honestly, I have seen beautiful games before, but this is some other level of graphics, and even without RTX on, the graphics are insane and without good hardware, playing Cyberpunk 2077 makes no sense. Without even turning on the ray-tracing option, you get mind-blowing graphics at 4K medium settings.

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4K footage with Ray tracing on

So, I tested with a pretty old RX 580 GPU at 4K, and it was running well without ray tracing. But trying the game with ray tracing is another level, which you cannot understand without seeing; when tried on RTX 3060 Ti, the game was damn good, but it also could not handle ray tracing at 4K.

Cyberpunk 2077 is indeed very graphics hungry game that can be played without ray tracing but for best experience you can get an RTX GPU to get best results at 1440p with RTX on.

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Bugs & Performance improvements

To be very honest with you, the game was filled with bugs at day one launch, and I will admit that. Also, 4 core and 6 core Ryzen users had SMT issues that led to performance deficit as well; all of these issues got fixed with all the three major updates.

The game’s loading times are rapid, especially if you install it on a SATA SSD or an NVMe SSD; it ideally loads in almost 10 seconds if you have the latest CPU, or else it can take some time. Even playing on HDD, the game never took more than a minute to load, so kudos to that, but I recommend you play the game with a good processor on PC.

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At least use a Ryzen 5 or Core i5 CPU, and if it’s the latest, then it’s well and good as I experienced significant improvement when I jumped from an old Ryzen 5 2400G to a newer Ryzen 5 5600X. If you are on Intel, use a 9th or 10th Gen model to get the best experience.

Well, talking about bugs, there are still minor bugs that can be overlooked and be cured in the time to come. Actually, the game is huge, and many missions are involved, so removing all visual bugs might be a challenging one for developers.

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Cyberpunk 2077, I feel, is a unique game with a rich storyline and filled with choices that can uniquely build your path. The Night City is cool and looks astonishing as the game is very graphics intensive; this game’s diversity and uniqueness encourage me to open it again and again to explore it.

Besides the main storyline, the other jobs, objectives, characters associated with each of them is vast and enriching. With cyberwire, replaceable organs or body parts, even hacking with your eyes tell you are in the future that we never thought of.

If I could complain one thing, that would be that CD Projekt Red has rushed the game’s launch; I know they would have faced huge criticism after already being delayed. But the year-long reputation and the hype they created got backlashed after a worse release of the game on PlayStation and Xbox One.

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The problem that did really cause this is that they tried to infuse a lot of things at day one launch that they did not have time to check the bugs or for performance improvements on last-gen consoles. They could have left some part of the game and released it after months as a major update giving them time to well optimize and debug.

This has created a lot of criticism and negative impacts among fans, but to be very honest, after playing the game for 2 weeks on PC, I understood the hard work they have put in and the deep storyline that they wanted to show their users.

Nevertheless, Cyberpunk 2077, in its true sense, is a game made for PCs and the next-gen consoles that is both enthralling and unique. It’s worth spending on the game if you are a PC gamer who especially want to experience Night City with ray tracing on and a future we are yet to reach.

Where can you get the game? PC:, PS4:, Xbox:

Epic Games Store: here

Steam: here


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Okay, I am pretty late to write the review of this game as I was indeed busy playing Cyberpunk 2077 for almost two weeks now. Obviously, I was quite frustrated to see the bugs and graphics related issues until both the major Hotfix 1.04...Cyberpunk 2077 review after three major updates: A great PC game for those who love open-world RPG