The COVID-19 pandemic pushes the world people to their houses. The entire education system stops for it along with so many other sectors. So, the superiors of these organizations looked for a platform to resume their service online. A maximum of them chooses Zoom. The only reason is its huge member capacity at any conference.
Before we start, we need to know about two things i.e. Zero-day and Remote Code Execution(RCE).
In simplest words, zero-day is a hole in computer software’s security or privacy system that is not known or not addressed by the software authority. And the ability to execute arbitrary commands or codes in any target machine over any network is called Remote Code Execution.
Multiple trustable sources confirmed that zero-days of both Zoom Windows and Mac are available in the market for sale. Though no one of them viewed the actual code.
To be exact, The zero-day of Windows version is RCE. It may allow unauthorized persons or hackers to get access or details of your zoom account. But the Mac version is not RCE. So, the MacOS clients are in a safer zone than Windows clients, but not totally.
The Cyber Coordination Center, CyCord in short and the Ministry of Home Affairs, India published documentation (pdf) of 16 pages mentioning all essential steps to follow for safety. Primarily arrangements of Government and official conferences on Zoom need to avoid. One can use this platform personally, but only with safety measures.
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