Zebronics has launched a new set of wireless neckbands in India called Jumbo which has 160 hours of battery life. The device has a neckband in-ear style that is flexible in design. The earphone also supports rapid charging and gives you 15 hours of backup on just 10mins of charging through its Type C port. The earbuds support Environmental Noise Cancellation as well.
Zebronics Jumbo Wireless Neckband Features, Pricing and Availability
The latest offering from Zebronics comes with features loaded like ENC for clear voice calls. It also comes with low latency gaming mode for a seamless sound experience during gaming. The earbuds are a magnetic type of ease of use, also it supports dual pairing for use with two devices and easy switching between them.
Zebronics Jumbo has a flexible neckband design, peppy colors and feature in-ear design earbuds. It comes in a balanced sound signature with “punchy bass and crisp highs”, per the company. The earphone comes with extra ear tips in multiple sizes.
It also includes a low-latency gaming mode for flawless sound when gaming. The earbuds are easy to use because they are magnetic, and you can use them with two devices at once and switch between them quickly.
Pradeep Doshi, Co-Founder and Director, Zebronics says, “With the current connected lifestyle a good wireless earphone has become a necessity for many. The battery of jumbo earphones can last for several weeks with daily use. We think it is very convenient and apart from this we have also given flashing charging. Can give you 15-20 hours of backup in a jiffy”.
Jumbo comes in a 3 colours including sunset, blue and black, it will be available from 23rd July 2022, on amazon.in with introductory price of Rs 1,399. You can get it from Amazon India. Zebronics says that this headset comes with a playback time of 160 hours.