Xiaomi on Friday, November 5 announced a new technology called the Loop LiquidCool that is says will ensure efficient cooling of smartphone processors. The heat dissipation method introduced by the Chinese smartphone giant is claimed to separate hot air and cooling liquid circulations that lower heat convention issues on mobile phones. Inspired by cooling systems used in aerospace technologies, the Loop LiquidCool Technology is a new take on the conventional vapour chamber. It works based on the capillary effect that draws liquid cooling agents to the heat source, vapourises, and then disperses the heat towards a cooler area.
Xiaomi showcased the new Loop LiquidCool Technology via a blog post. Xiaomi created the Loop LiquidCool technology, which improves basic heat pipes in two ways, resulting in a cooling efficiency that is doubled. Xiaomi products are expected to feature this technology in the second half of 2022.
Xiaomi Loop LiquidCool Technology
An annular heat pipe system, consisting of an evaporator, a condenser, a refill chamber, as well as gas and liquid pipes, is featured in this new technology. The evaporator, which is placed near heat sources, contains a refrigerant that evaporates to gas when the smartphone is working hard. The gas and airflow are then diffused to the condenser, where it condenses back into liquid. The liquids are absorbed and collected by tiny fibres in the refill chamber, which then refills the evaporator, making the system self-sustaining.
Despite the fact that this new technology uses the same method as VC liquid cooling, the new form factor improves efficiency significantly. Due to the lack of separate channels for gases and liquids in traditional VC systems, hot gas and cool liquids mix and obstruct each other, especially under high workload.
The ring-shaped pump incorporates a unique gas pipe design that reduces air passage resistance by 30%. The maximum heat transfer capacity is increased by up to 100% by allowing for a smoother steam flow.
Implementing a Tesla valve structure within the refill chamber is critical for ensuring one-way high-efficiency circulation. A Tesla valve is a one-way valve that allows liquid to pass through the evaporator while preventing gases from flowing backwards. This allows for greater gas/liquid circulation efficiency throughout the system.
The original vapour chamber on a custom Xiaomi MIX 4 was replaced with a new Loop LiquidCool Technology solution. This impressive cooling system kept the device below a maximum temperature of 47.7°C during a 30-minute Genshin Impact gameplay test at 60fps max video settings, and the processor was 8.6°C cooler than the standard version.
The developed Loop LiquidCool technology will appear on Xiaomi-branded phones that will be released in the second half of 2022. Although it is not clear yet, it is estimated that new liquid cooling technology will be used in new devices belonging to the Black Shark sub-brand.