Renowned semiconductor chip maker company Qualcomm has unveiled its latest Snapdragon 888 next-gen flagship chipset during the 2020 edition of the Snapdragon Summit of this year. However, Lei Jun (CEO of Xiaomi) has revealed that the upcoming Xiaomi Mi 11 is going to the first smartphone in the globe to launch with the SD 888 chipset. Now, if we put some light on the relationship between Xiaomi and Redmi, we find that both of them have always very keen to launch smartphones with the latest chipsets. The same thing we have seen at the time of the SD 865 chipset and now, at the time of SD 888, we can expect that alongside Xiaomi, Redmi will also launch a flagship smartphone powered by the SD 888 chipset. So, in 2021, we can expect two flagship smartphones from Xiaomi and Redmi powered by the latest SD 888 chipset.
As of now, we’ve only got the news about the upcoming flagship series. But we don’t know how many smartphones will be there in each series whether it is from Xiaomi or Redmi. Let’s consider the Mi 11 series. If Mi 11 is powered by the SD 888 chipset and this series will have two models, then from Xiaomi, we will be going to get two smartphones powered by the latest chipset. The same thing went for the Redmi K series that came with K20, K20 Pro in 2019.
In terms of the Mi 11 series, the main highlight of this series could be the 108MP primary camera sensor. In terms of the Redmi flagships, the company has not revealed much about this. But as per the hype, we can expect an AMOLED display with a faster refresh rate of 90Hz or 120Hz and faster memory(LPDDR5 RAM, UFS 2.1 storage). On the other hand, the Mi 11 is more likely to have a 2K(QHD+) screen.