The Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC was announced by the company during their Summit 2024 event taking place in Maui. Xiaomi Senior Vice President Adam Zeng has confirmed that the Xiaomi 15 will be released with Snapdragon Chips and this is expected to be the first smartphone in which these chips launched globally. The Snapdragon 8 Elite is built on TSMC’s advanced 3nm process and features prime cores with a clock speed of up to 4.32GHz.
Xiaomi 15 To Feature Snapdragon 8 Elite
In addition, you can watch the entire keynote video of the Snapdragon 8 Elite chip which highlights its innovation features by Zeng during this event. The chipset features a Hexagon NPU, second-gen custom Oryon CPU, and improved AI image processing. Although not as immersive, this integration is a quantum jump in performance and efficiency over anything that smartphones have had to do until now.
But the Xiaomi 15 will also rely on a new layer of software called HyperCore from Xiaomi, which purportedly boosts performance in areas ranging from graphics to networking and security. More interestingly, it is a technology that promises power savings of 29.7% for your phone Moreover, the device is estimated to operate 3 degrees Celsius cooler at peak temperatures than older generations of its kind—a boon for thermal management.
Zeng corroborated the launch date of October’s approaching end for the Xiaomi 15 series, a detail that has indeed left several tech enthusiasts in high spirits. Xiaomi is not alone in planning new devices with a Snapdragon 8 Elite chip. The OnePlus 13 is scheduled to debut on October 31, and the Asus ROG Phone 9 is set for a November launch, both featuring the new chipset. Importantly, the Xiaomi 15 will be the first device to showcase the capabilities of the Snapdragon 8 Elite in global markets outside China. In India, the Realme GT 7 Pro has also been confirmed as the first phone to feature this cutting-edge chipset, highlighting the growing competition in the flagship smartphone segment.
What is the Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC?
The Snapdragon 8 Elite is Qualcomm’s latest system-on-chip (SoC), built on TSMC’s 3nm process, featuring enhanced performance capabilities, including a custom Qualcomm Oryon CPU and improved AI image processing.
When will the Xiaomi 15 be released?
The Xiaomi 15 is set to be unveiled at the end of October, making it the first smartphone to showcase the Snapdragon 8 Elite in global markets.