Sony LIV has dropped the trailer of Nithya Menen’s upcoming film Wonder Woman. The film also features Parvathy Thiruvothu and Amruta Subhash as would-be mothers who meet in a camp and become friends. Nithya Menen in a still from Wonder Women trailer of Anjali Menon’s upcoming film Wonder Women, which will directly premiere November 18 on Sony Liv, was released on Thursday.
Going by the visuals, this looks like a heartwarming drama about a few pregnant women coming together to understand and embrace motherhood while dealing with the world around them and searching for answers to a lot of questions.
The brand-new trailer unveils all the key characters contains Nithya Menen, Parvathy Thiruvothu, and Amruta Subhash as pregnant women from different ethnicities and walks of life. They all come together under one roof called Sumana, a camp that prepares pregnant women for life ahead. Nadiya Moidu, who plays Nandita, runs the camp. It looks warm, sensitive, and fresh as various characters get to know each other and prepare themselves to be ready for parenthood, setting aside their differences. In this film, these woman feels several life experiences, find out their identities, and deep dive into their quest for knowledge.
Wonder Woman is mainly a tale of pregnant women who meet at a prenatal class and stumble on far more than they expect! Writer-Director @anjalimenonfilm brings together a wonderful cast for ‘#WonderWomen’ streaming on #SonyLIV from Nov 18th. Best known for her films such as Bangalore Days and Koode, Anjali is making her OTT debut with Wonder Woman, which is produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Ashi Dua Sara.
Anjali Menon said about the concept of the film in a statement, “I have discovered from experience that sisterhoods can empower us individually and collectively. With Wonder Woman, I wanted to portray this warm bond through multiple characters from varied backgrounds and their fun and feisty way of dealing with life. The characters are ordinary women who will resonate with the audience, from all age groups across the country. The story is a peek into their lives and how the pregnancy and their newfound friendships push them to grow. It is a full-on heart film, and I am eager to see the audience’s journey with these characters.”
Wonder Women: Cast
The film also stars Padmapriya Janakiraman, Sayonara Philip and Archana Padmini. Earlier, Nithya and Parvathy had surprised their fans by sharing posts that hinted that they were pregnant. It turned out to be a tease ahead of the film trailer.
Wonder Women: Release Date
Sony LIV confirms that the film will hit on 18th November 2022. The film will be available in Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada languages.
Here is the trailer:
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