As everyone might have heard, Wipro Ltd. received its new chief executive officer five months ago in the form of 53-year-old Thierry Delaporte. But the pandemic has been getting in the way of the guy’s business. As it is reported, the new CEO of Wipro has been on a virtual tour from his home, visiting managers, workers, and customers worldwide.
Due to Covid-19, businesses worldwide have been struggling to meet their targets, and Wipro is no exception. But the new CEO has been trying his best to uplift the struggling business without letting the Covid-19 pandemic slow him. And things are looking good for the company since the appointment of the new guy.
According to sources, Wipro has rallied about 70% of its stock since his appointment. It’s a big achievement for Wipro, but the CEO believes it is just the beginning. He hopes to get Wipro back on track after years of tumult and stagnating financials.
“There’s a particular momentum in the industry just now, and I want to drive that urgency to put Wipro back where it belongs. I know I’m good at one thing – getting things done. We know what we need to do to make it work. In my Year One, we’ll accelerate growth; in Year Two, we’ll be at the growth level of our competitors; and in Year Three, we will outdo.”
Wipro’s shares are majoritively owned by billionaire Azim Premji and have been lagging in its performance. While the company has been performing significantly well, it is still nowhere near its competitors like Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services, and HCL.
Delaporte has put together a new deals team, which is responsible for going after big client contracts. Reports indicate that Wipro has managed to claim orders from European clean energy producers Fortum Oyj and E.On SE. It has also stepped up its acquisitions by signing more deals in the past five months compared to the past five years. The CEO also claims that the acquisitions have only begun, and there are new deals on the way.