Since Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark has to break Thanos and his forces out of existence in Avengers: Endgame, the fans are asking rather demanding for his return. In MCU Tony was a central figure and without him, the whole cinematic universe seems to be incomplete.
Tony continues to cast a huge shadow over the MCU, even after his death, it shows us how important he was to the universe.
It is true that he may have died while destroying Thanos and his army due to the damage that caused to his body while holding all the Infinity Stones simultaneously. But it is not necessary that just because he is dead, it is not the end of the road for the character. It should not stop Tony Stark to make his appearance in MCU again since the multiverse is now a reality now.
Recently, Loki’s timeline was choked to death by the Mad Titan, but we have seen Loki immediately after the battle of New York having all-new adventures in the series of the same name.
The MCU fans were slightly disappointed because of not presenting Tony in Spider-Man: No Way Home, a movie that is based wholly on a rip in the multiverse, it may have been a great opportunity for the comeback of Tony, especially considering Peter Parker’s mentor.
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The writer of the No Way Home named Chris McKenna was asked the same questions and answers by Jeff Goldsmith’s podcast. It has turned out that Marvel is really done with Tony, despite the characters’ importance. Although he was important in Peter Parker’s life, he was not really Uncle Ben.
He said, “Honestly, that’s like a non-starter in the halls of Marvel, at least in our experience. They just don’t really like constantly invoking… I mean, Tony cast such a large shadow even after Endgame, which we dealt with in Far From Home. But I think everyone felt like we can’t just keep on going to the Tony well. And I think what we started realizing as we were writing this is that he wasn’t the Uncle Ben. I mean, he was a father figure. There was a bond between them. In Endgame he even has a photo of Peter and it seems to be the final moral impetus to have him risk everything to try to reset the balance of the universe”.
McKenna further added, “But I think in writing this we started realizing that we had an opportunity here to tell a different story for Peter Parker that by the end of this movie, maybe, is a different origin story than everyone else has assumed up to this point. And I don’t think having Tony there would have done anything. I think we start realizing the moral impetus, the guidepost of his life in May. And that for the first time he is tested about whether he can actually truly live up to this code that she’s instilled in him. That is what this Peter Parker story is all about.”
The most intresting fact is that Tony himself has brought Spidey into MCU, by hiring young Peter Parker for his battle against Captain America-led faction in Civil War. From then Tony has become a father figure to Peter, who has provided him with all the advanced Stark Technology for his Spidey suits.
Meanwhile, we cannot say never for Robert Downey Jr and Marvel Studios to come to an agreement over a future cameo somewhere down the line. Earlier, the reports suggested that he may reprise Tony in the Iron Heart series.
Although, there are rumors and even an image has also been found in a set suggesting Tom Cruise might essay the character of Tony Stark in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.