You might not be aware of the white card, which also exists alongside the yellow and red cards. But unlike the two more popular variants, it is not used to punish players for a foul or indiscipline on the pitch.
Instead, it is used to signify the opposite. When a referee shows a white card, it is to appreciate fair play and sportsmanship on the pitch. This was the first time since the card was used since the 1970s, and was introduced in the female Portuguese league alongside the introduction of VAR and concussion substitutes.
White card in football – It’s meaning explained
The recent clash between Sporting and Benfica in the Taca de Portugal Feminina was one of the first games where the white card was brandished.
The referee showed the white card to the medical teams of the two clubs. A player went down due to illness in the first half, and medical staff from both the team rushed onto the pitch to take care of her.
Over 15,000 fans were there to witness the game and the showing of the new card. And in the end, Benfica were able to win 5-0 and advance in the Taca de Portugal Feminina.
As of now, Portugal is the only country that has adopted this practice. The white card aims to promote sportsmanship and fair play, and the concept seems ambitious so far. It now remains to be seen whether it will spread to other, bigger leagues in Europe.