Facebook-owned WhatsApp is the world’s most popular messaging app. With every update and added feature, the service improves its user experience to meet market demand better. Many of the platform’s users are smartphone-based consumers. But, many professionals tend to use the web version of the messaging service from their PCs to enjoy the freedom of a larger screen.
The developer teams behind WhatsApp have been adding new features to its web version as well. The latest features that Facebook will be introducing for the WhatsApp web version is the best till now. Whatsapp web will finally be getting support for audio and video calls.
According to sources, the latest 2.2043.7 version of WhatsApp’s web client will have the video and audio feature. However, it will be a while before everyone gets their hands on this new update.
According to sources, the WhatsApp web client will show a small popup window when you receive a call. It will allow the users to either accept or decline the incoming call. The messaging service customers will be able to make calls to their contacts, and a smaller popup window will appear on the screen that will enable the users to keep track o their call status. Whatsapp web will also support group calls along with individuals calls. The latest audio and video feature is in development and will take a while until every user of WhatsApp web client enjoys it.
The messaging service will also get support for Linked Devices in the coming future. It will allow WhatsApp users to send and receive messages from their computer, Facebook Portal, or directly from their web browser.
Whatsapps android version has plenty of features and offers great flexibility to its users. However, the messaging service is equally famous among its web client users. With Facebook rolling out the audio and video call support, we can hope that the social media giant will keep releasing many more updates in the future.
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