When WhatsApp was just constructed, people thought that it was just made for personal purposes which can help in quick chats with friends or some video call get together but as time passed and technology improved we are getting more advanced and trying to use Web WhatsApp for business purposes as well.
One can also use Web WhatsApp from a PC to stay online for business purposes which helps in providing better customer service. The drawback of this web version is going to resolve as WhatsApp’s web client will have the video and audio feature soon embedded in it.
In this article, you will learn all about WhatsApp web and how to use it on your computer and tablets along with the benefits and drawbacks of using it because it is the well-known fact of technology that as it is growing beautifully then also some small obstacles it may face in between.
What is WhatsApp Web?
It is the service that permits you to send and receive messages via your laptops and tablets with a browser-based version of it which has the same account you use on a mobile phone but just on a different device. The functioning will also stay the same as the message sent by the laptop can also be seen on the mobile phone.
The web version of WhatsApp only works on the device with chrome working on it and you must have your WhatsApp account present because you cannot sign up by using WhatsApp web.
The most important thing is the other person will not come to know whether you are using a web version or mobile phone but make sure while using WhatsApp web your mobile phone does not get switched off. Whatsapp web use for business purposes when you have to stay online to provide 24 hr customer or client service and it will improve the efficiency of your business.
How to use it?
Whatsapp can be used in a very simple way and give you the same environment you face while using a mobile phone but with better communication and more comfortability. The two things you are required to use WhatsApp for are the app installed with an account on your mobile phone and the other is to have an internet connection on both devices.
Here are the steps taken from mobile phone and desktop to use WhatsApp web over desktop or tablet with an easy procedure.
A. On mobile?
These easy steps must be taken from your mobile phone to allow the computer to use your account of WhatsApp in WhatsApp web.
1. Download and Open your WhatsApp application from your mobile and on the home screen, there are three dots present on the top right corner of the screen.
2. Now tap on the three dots available on the home screen, a drop-down menu appears when you click on the dots.
3. Select the WhatsApp web from the menu and then a scanner is opened on your mobile to scan the QR code of the WhatsApp web in the computer or laptop in which you want to use.
B. On desktop?
Now the next steps after the mobile tasks are from the computer so here are the steps below to do next on the computer.
1. Open the chrome window on the computer as WhatsApp web can run only on chrome.
2. Now the next step is to navigate https://web.whatsapp.com/ to open the WhatsApp web software on the computer.
3. This will take you forward to the QR code of your computer and then you just need to scan this code by your mobile phone scanner which was explained earlier and here we go.
Benefits of WhatsApp web
1. Safe and secure
Whatsapp web is the safest platform for conversation and media and is encrypted by end to end encryption so business deals can also be done safely over this platform.
2. Marketing
You can make your clients aware of recent offers and events and this will overall increase your sales for your company.
3. Customer service for better efficiency
Whatsapp web shows you online all time you use your computer and also provides you notifications of messages for better communication and so customer service is continuous. People use WhatsApp web from PC to stay online in order to maintain efficiency.
Computer storage and screen are large so when computer storage is large then it gives you comfort to store and manage files with better quality multimedia and a bigger screen and fast typing is also experienced.
Drawbacks of WhatsApp web
1. Chrome extension only
Web Whatsapp can only run over chrome browser but not any other platform and this is the disadvantage of the WhatsApp web.
2. Cannot delete or forward message
Whatsapp web does not allow you to delete any messages sent or received on WhatsApp web on a computer and also you cannot forward any message to any other person on your laptop or tablet.
3. Cannot work when phone switched off
When you want to use WhatsApp web over the computer then it is a must to have your mobile switched on to make your WhatsApp access on computer.
4. No audio calls and video callsWhatsapp web does not allow you to make calls either video or audio on computer but only just messages can be done over this platform. But the drawback of this web version is going to resolve as WhatsApp’s web client will have the video and audio feature soon embedded in it.