Facebook-owned messaging application WhatsApp is spotted working on a new feature called “Expiring Media”. From the name, I hope you can guess what exactly the feature will do. It will allow users to send expiring media messages like images, videos, and GIFs.
These messages will disappear from the recipient’s device once s/he leaves the chat. Point to note, nothing will replace the media, no text, no indication, nothing. It’s completely different than revoking messages where the text or media is replaced by the line “This message was deleted”. An expiring media will appear in a different way so that the recipient will understand that the media is going to disappear.
To send an expiring media the sender needs to enable that by tapping on a new button which will appear in the bottom left corner, as you can see in the images given below. After enabling that, the user can send the expiring media in the usual way. No need to set any kind of timer.
A couple of days back, the multiple device feature also came into the spotlight which will allow users to run the same WhatsApp account on up to four devices simultaneously.
We have no doubt that WhatsApp is bringing lots of new facilities to make our messaging experience better than ever. We just have to wait for the right time. What do you say?
Do Check Out 👇🏼