According to the latest sources, WhatsApp, the number one social media chatting platform in the world, is currently testing a feature that will allow the transfer of chats between iPhone and Android. The platform has lots of features and is easy to use, however, it is rather painful to transfer WhatsApp data from an iPhone to an Android device or vice versa.
There are many unofficial methods available on the internet. But it just does not have the same effect, resulting in the loss of images, videos, or maybe even some chat threads. However, the new feature which the Facebook-owned chat platform is now testing will allow users to use WhatsApp on multiple devices. And the ability to move your chats to iPhone or Android (or between each other) will be a part of said feature.
When the user tries to link a device having a different operative system to his WhatsApp account, it’s always needed to update to the latest WhatsApp update available on the App Store or TestFlight, to avoid any compatibility error with the Android version.
The feature is currently in its beta testing phase and we have no clue as to when the feature will be made available to everyone. However, it is going to be a life-saver for those who want to migrate their WhatsApp data without having to fall into a hassle.
Currently, WhatsApp doesn’t allow users to have their service running on multiple devices at once. Users only have the option to use WhatsApp on multiple devices via using a web interface. This feature is going to be massive for people who are planning to switch from iPhone to Android or vice versa.