WhatsApp is getting the most awaited feature we have been waiting for


WhatsApp is finally getting the most awaited feature for the first time. The app is getting a Dark Theme inbuilt within the app settings. This feature is the most awaited and the most wanted for its users for a very long time. This feature allows the user to switch between light theme, dark theme and a Set by battery saver options. The light theme is the normal theme which everyone is using from the beginning, the dark theme makes everything dark. The white portions get dark and the green ports get a darker green hue on it and make it a great visual treat.

WhatsApp Image 2020 01 23 at 13.00.09 1 WhatsApp is getting the most awaited feature we have been waiting for

Important: But before we go ahead on how the feature is activated, it must be noted that dark mode is currently available only to the beta testers as of now. There is no word as to when the feature will be rolled out via the stable channel, but it shouldn’t take very long. Currently, the beta version of the app is available in the Play Store. Users can access the dark theme mode in the current WhatsApp version 2.20.13.

WhatsApp Image 2020 01 23 at 13.00.09 WhatsApp is getting the most awaited feature we have been waiting for

How to enable Dark Mode in WhatsApp?

Enabling dark mode or dark theme in WhatsApp is very simple. Follow the steps mentioned below to quickly activate the new look. Apart from being easier on the eyes in low-light environments, it will also help you save battery on OLED screen phones.

  1. Download the latest WhatsApp v2.20.13 (Beta) update and open the app.
  2. Once you open the app, tap on the three-dot menu icon at the top right corner of the screen and select Settings from the menu.
  3. Once you are on the Settings page, tap on Chats, and then tap on Theme. Doing so will open a window where you choose the theme.
  4. Tap on Dark in the window that appears. This will enable the dark mode interface across the app.
  5. You can select the Set By battery Saver option to automatically switch between dark and light mode based on system settings.

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