WhatsApp has consistently prioritised the safety and security of its users by implementing various features on its platform. While end-to-end encrypted chats and encrypted backups have been in place for a considerable time, the rising prevalence of scams has prompted the introduction of additional security measures.
Notable additions this year include features like Chat Lock, Account Protect, and Device Verification. The latest addition to this security lineup is the email verification feature, which was initially spotted in early August during testing and is now widely available to beta testers.
All About WhatsApp Email Verification
Currently, WhatsApp accounts are linked to mobile numbers, posing a security risk in situations where users cannot access their numbers, leading to a potential account lockout. To address this vulnerability, the social media is working on allowing users to link their email addresses, providing an alternative means of account access.
For users on the latest WhatsApp beta for Android, the option to link an email address can be found under WhatsApp Settings > Account > Email address. The verification process involves the issuance of a six-digit code sent to the linked email address. The social media ensures the privacy of the email address, assuring users that it will not be visible to anyone in their contact list. Users are also free to use any email ID, not restricted to the account used for the chat backups.
Once an email address is linked, it serves as an alternative method to receive the six-digit login code, which is traditionally delivered via SMS. This alternative method proves valuable in situations where users may face difficulties in receiving the code due to network or server issues.
While a phone number remains a requisite for creating a WhatsApp account, linking an email address provides an additional login option. WhatsApp is reportedly working on introducing username support, making the linked email account even more useful in the future.
WABetaInfo reports that the latest stable release of WhatsApp for iPhone is gradually rolling out the email linking feature for all iOS users. Although this feature is not yet live on all devices running the latest build, it indicates a phased rollout that may take a few weeks to complete.
In a recent move to enhance security, WhatsApp introduced passkey support on Android, adding an extra layer of protection to user accounts. It is advisable for users to enable these privacy features on WhatsApp to bolster the security of their accounts.