WhatsApp features new: The well-known messaging service WhatsApp, which is owned by Meta, is developing a new feature to make it easier for customers to manage several accounts on the same device. Additionally, WhatsApp might gain a new appearance and feel as the firm is also developing a new user interface. If there are no significant bugs found while in beta testing on Android, this WhatsApp upgrade may eventually be made available to everyone.
As per an article from WABeta Info, the recently introduced multi-account functionality allows users to conveniently add a second account directly through the WhatsApp settings. This means that you can access your additional account without the need for a separate application or device. All the necessary features are consolidated in one place.
Additionally, WhatsApp features new will also include a new design for its UI settings.
It will be simpler to navigate through all of the app’s settings thanks to the new UI, which will offer a more contemporary and user-friendly experience.
Not only that, but the profile tab is also receiving a makeover. It is quite handy to access the app’s settings because you can find them right in your chat list. Switching between accounts is simple, and you can keep your discussions and alerts separate. Beta testers who have the most recent WhatsApp beta for Android loaded can currently access this exciting update.
In other news related to WhatsApp features new, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, has introduced a new WhatsApp software for Mac users. With this software, you may make audio and video calls with up to 32 individuals at once. Video calls can accommodate a maximum of eight participants. This feature is specifically designed for Mac users, allowing for convenient file sharing and easy access to conversation history on larger screens.
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