Our very own WhatsApp is upgrading day by day with various kinds of new functions. A few days ago, we’ve come to know that very soon we can do money transactions via WhatsApp just like Google Pay or Paytm. Recently we have got another report that WhatsApp is going to add a new button in place of the voice call button. The new button is said to be a business button, by which the user can find what are the businesses are going on through this app. This is basically a shopping button by which various businessmen can showcase their products and other people can see those. If anyone is interested in any business, he/she can easily contact the business owner via instant messaging. WhatsApp has added this feature back in September. But currently, it is only available for beta users. The regular users will soon get access to this feature in the upcoming updates.
The shopping button can be found in place of the voice call button. It looks like a small ‘home’ type structure as the icon. If the user presses it, it will bring the user certain business catalogs. If the user is interested in any one of them, then he/she can instantly connect to its owner via the messaging facility of the app. But there is a certain twist. One can see this icon only if the other person has established some business via WhatsApp. You will not able to see this button if you are normally communicating with your friends and family members on WhatsApp.
It is for the first time that WhatsApp is bringing such a useful feature via its regular messaging app. For many people who are wanting to do small business, but they are not able to make such publicity, this business feature will be surely an important feature for them to showcase their business. In the case of voice calls, there is a call icon you can find just beside the business icon. If you tap the call icon, it will give you two options for a voice call or video call. Then you can choose any one of them as per your needs. As per the statistics, WhatsApp claims that on a daily basis, more than 17.5 crore users message via WhatsApp Business account, which is definitely a key step to expanding every kind of business all over.