The blockbuster film ‘War’ directed by Siddharth Anand, featured Hrithik Roshan as Kabir, a former soldier-turned-rogue, Tiger Shroff as Khalid, an Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) agent and Alongside Vaani Kapoor. The much-anticipated sequel of ‘War,’ ‘War 2’ will hit the box office with massive success starring Hrithik Roshan as Kabir and a new antagonist in 2025. There is a lot of speculation and rumours about Jr NTR‘s casting as an antagonist in ‘War 2,’ but movie officials have not confirmed it, we have to wait for the cast announcement by the ‘War 2’ team.
Tweet on War 2 from Trade Analyst Taran Adarsh
Earlier in the day film trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the exciting news on social media, tweeting, “#BreakingNews… YRF announces War 2 release date: Independence Day weekend 2025… The sixth film from #YRFSpyUniverse – #War2 – now has a release date… Get ready for mayhem at the #Boxoffice on 14 Aug 2025 [Thursday]… #AyanMukerji directs the film that’s produced by #YRF.”
YRF Extending its Spy Universes
The YRF Spy Universe, initiated with the 2012 film ‘Ek Tha Tiger,’ has seen successful additions such as the 2019 blockbuster ‘War’ and the recently released ‘Pathaan’ and ‘Tiger 3’ in 2023. These films have featured leading Bollywood stars like Salman Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Tiger Shroff, and Shah Rukh Khan as dynamic agents in high-stakes espionage thrillers.
The upcoming ‘War 2’ is directed by Ayan Mukerji and is part of YRF’s strategy to expand the spy universe further. Reports suggest that talks are underway with Bollywood leading ladies Alia Bhatt and Deepika Padukone for their roles in the spy franchise. Deepika Padukone is also in the headlines for her lady Singham role in Singham again in Rohit Shetty’s film. It makes her fit for the role of action woman in the spy universe as she also did Pathaan as the main lead heroine.
Alia Bhatt is believed to have signed up for a female-led film under YRF, and there are hints that she may make a cameo appearance, following the successful strategy employed by YRF in films like ‘Pathaan’ and ‘Tiger 3, a source revealed that there are many possibilities that we may see her in a cameo, owing to the strategy that YRF has been following. They give a glimpse of some characters from their other film of the same universe as Salman Khan did in ‘Pathaan’ and Shah Rukh Khan did in ‘Tiger 3. But still, we are not sure about Alia and Deepika’s presence in the War 2, let’s wait and see what the movie production is planning for the 2025 release.
Upcoming Ventures of YRF
The success of the YRF Spy Universe, with its engaging narratives and stellar performances, has established a new benchmark for espionage thrillers in Bollywood. ‘War 2’ and ‘Tiger Vs Pathaan’ are the next films lined up in this franchise, promising fans more adrenaline-pumping action, intense plot twists, and high-octane performances.
After Figher, Hrithik Roshan fans will be delighted to hear news of ‘War 2’ coming, its release on Independence Day weekend certainly gives us a clue that the plot will be based on patriotism and we can expect that the movie will give us the sense of nationality, that will let all the Indians in the pride same as the YRF spy universe did in their previous movies but how far this ‘War’ sequel goes through his storyline for the era of 2025 than 2019 the audience always wants something mysterious, thrilling, intriguing and of course humour.
Are you excited about this upcoming sequel of ‘War’? Let us know your opinions through comments!