Chiranjeevi’s new Telugu film ‘Waltair Veerayya‘ is dropped the Hindi teaser. The makers are ready to release Megastar Chiranjeevi’s most-awaited film in Hindi. The power-pack action drama film has been written and directed by Bobby Kolli along with Shruti Hassan, and Catherine Tresa. The disappointing part is, this film is going to be the last film of Megastar Chiranjeevi.
We will see that Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja is playing a key role in this movie directed by Bobby. The entire film team working to release it simultaneously in Hindi as well as Telugu. The film team has recently released the Hindi teaser of Waltair Veerayya.
The megastar has informed us about this on Twitter. There is also a good response as it crossed 1 million views within hours of its release. Besides Telugu, our megastar has also focused on the Bollywood market. The film Godfather has finished the dubbing in Hindi and is ready to release. With Salman’s cameo in it, there was a bit of buzz there as well. The collections are also not good. With this, plans have been prepared to release Walther Veeraya’s film there as well. Moreover, Ravi Teja’s Hindi dubbing films have entertained northern audiences. So he is well known there.
In this film, Chiranjeevi is playing the role of a smuggler, Ravi Teja is a police officer, and Shruti Haasan is the love interest. The music has been composed by Rockstar DSP/ Devi Sri Prasad, and the director is KS Ravindra.
On the other hand, Mythri movie makers also got good success in Hindi with the Pushpa movie last year. With this, they are ready to release the film Waltheru Veeraya in Bollywood on a pan-India level. We have to wait and see if this movie entertains the North audience at all.
Waltair Veerayya: Release Date
The film has set to release at the time of Makar Sankranti on 13th January 2023.
Here is the trailer:
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