The Vivo X60 series is now launching globally including India and the launch date has been scheduled for March 25. The Vivo X60 series includes three smartphones, they are Vivo X60, Vivo X60 Pro, and Vivo X60 Pro+. Recently, leaker Ishan Agarwal has come out with the details of their color, memory variants.
For the Vivo X60 model we can expect two storage variants as well as two different colour options in this smartphone. We can expect this phone to come in black and blue colour options. The storage variants expected in this phone are 8+128GB and 12+256GB.
The Vivo X60 Pro model is expected to come in black and blue colours and only one storage option of 12GB RAM + 256GB storage. Whereas, the Vivo X60 Pro+ model is only expected to have a blue colour option along with 12GB RAM + 256GB storage.
The design remains intact from the Chinese version of the Vivo X60 Pro+ variant and is also expected to retain all the specs and features including the Snapdragon 888 SoC in the Indian version also. The other two models Vivo X60 and X60 Pro might pack the Snapdragon 870 SoC, but this is yet not confirmed. We are willing to wait a bit longer for more specs to surface about all the three devices ahead of the India launch.