Vivo X200 series from the previous week launched in China on Thursday, October 14, featuring Vivo X200, Vivo X200 Pro, and Vivo X200 Pro Mini, the world-first smartphones powered by Dimensity 9400 SoC. Since then, the X200 and X200 Pro have received certifications in different countries, indicating their worldwide fatefulness is near. These devices have recently headed through the Thailand NBTC certification platform amongst the other certifications around the globe.
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The Upcoming Vivo X200 Series
As of now, the Vivo X200 and X200 Pro have received certifications from the ECC in Europe, as well as from SIRIM in Malaysia, and TKDN and SDPPI in Indonesia. The development is also evident on the NCC certification platform of Taiwan which has already passed the Pro model. Furthermore, the two phones have received Bluetooth SIG and Indian BIS certifications, fueling the rumor that the X200 series is gearing up for a global launch.
While the X200 and X200 Pro received a number of certifications, the X200 Pro Mini has yet to see such certifications globally. This would indicate the smaller variant of the X200 series will likely stay in China for now, but will not leave the boundaries of this continent anytime soon.
91mobiles reported last month that Vivo India is likely to announce the X200 and X200 Pro by the end of November or the beginning of December in India, which should mean the brand will soon start teasing the launch of the devices here. This timeline suggests that Vivo is preparing for a major push into the Indian market in the near future.
The Vivo X200 and X200 Pro will also be the first smartphones from Vivo to ship with Android 15 preinstalled, adding to their appeal. These devices are expected to face stiff competition from Oppo’s upcoming Find X8 and Find X8 Pro, which also feature the Dimensity 9400 SoC. While Vivo has yet to confirm a specific global launch date for the X200 series, Oppo has already confirmed the announcement of the Find X8 in multiple markets this month, creating a competitive atmosphere.
When will the Vivo X200 series be launched globally?
The Vivo X200 and X200 Pro are expected to launch globally soon, with certifications already received in multiple countries.
Will the Vivo X200 Pro Mini be released internationally?
Currently, the Vivo X200 Pro Mini has not received any global certifications, suggesting it may remain exclusive to China.