The Vivo X200 series will be launched in India soon, although the company has yet to announce the exact date. Now, tipster Abhishek Yadav (@yabhishekhd) has shared tentative launch and sale dates for the Vivo X200 and Vivo X200 Pro. This series including regular Vivo X200, Vivo X200 Pro, and Vivo X200 Pro Mini was originally rolled out in China in October. The phones come with MediaTek Dimensity 9400 SoCs and Zeiss-branded cameras, and the X200 Pro Mini will reportedly only be available in China.
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Vivo X200, Vivo X200 Pro to Launch in India in December; Sale Begins December 19
Yadav also claims that the Vivo X200 series will launch as soon as the 12th or 13th of December 2023, with these devices then slated to go on sale from December 19. These smartphones have already been teased by Vivo India ahead of its launch in India. The X200 Pro Mini is not going to launch in India, it is released only in China.
The Vivo X200 and X200 Pro variants expected in India are confirmed to feature flagship specifications, including MediaTek Dimensity 9400 SoCs, Zeiss cameras, and curved displays. These phones will run Android 15-based Funtouch OS 15 for a smooth user experience. The Vivo X200 will also come with a 5,800mAh battery, whereas the X200 Pro is expected to pack a 6,000mAh cell. And now, the Pro variant which most likely is going to be the Vivo X200 Pro is said to come with the V3+ imaging chip while it will also bear a 200-megapixel Zeiss APO telephoto camera for treating you with professional series photography.
The Vivo X200 and X200 Pro will be purchased through popular online platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, and Vivo India’s official online store. In fact, Amazon has already created a landing page specifically for the Vivo X200 series, indicating that the phone’s release is on the horizon. In China, the Vivo X200 started at CNY 4,300 (approximately ₹51,000) for the base variant with 12GB RAM and 256GB storage, while the Vivo X200 Pro was priced at CNY 5,999 (roughly ₹63,000) for the same configuration. The phones were also introduced in global markets, including Malaysia, in November.
When will the Vivo X200 series be launched in India?
The Vivo X200 and Vivo X200 Pro are expected to be launched in India around December 12 or 13, 2024.
When will the Vivo X200 series go on sale in India?
The Vivo X200 series will go on sale starting December 19, 2024.