Along with the Vivo V20, the company also launched the Pro variant, Vivo V20 Pro. The main highlight of this smartphone is the dual front camera with Eye autofocus. The Vivo V20 and V20 Pro are the first smartphones to have this feature. The Vivo V20 Pro generally costs Rs.29,990, but thanks to Amazon India. Currently, the consumers can get Rs.3,000 off for a limited time. You need to check the Coupon box before adding it to the cart. There are two colour options – Midnight Jazz and Sunset Melody with only one memory capacity, i.e. 8GB RAM and 128GB internal storage. The buy link is given below.
- 16.35 centimeters (6.44 inch) FHD+ multi-touch capacitive touchscreen with 2400 x 1080 pixels resolution
- 4000mAH lithium-ion battery
- Box also includes: Earphones, documentation, microusb to USB cable, USB power adaptor, sim ejector, protective case, protective film (apple
- Memory, Storage & SIM: 8GB RAM | 128GB internal memory expandable | Dual SIM (nano+nano) dual-standby (5G+4
- 64MP+8MP+2MP rear camera with motion autofocus, eye autofocus, body/object autofocus, super night mode, super wide angle night mode, tripod night mode, ultra stable video, art portrait video, super macro, bokeh portrait, multi-style portrait, ar stickers, 3d sound tracking | 44MP+8MP selfie came