Vivo launched the V17 Pro in the Indian market yesterday with the world’s first 32MP dual pop-up selfie camera and it looks stunning with a full view display and such design. The smartphone will be available on its first sale on September 27 via, Flipkart and The price of this device is Rs.29,990. Let’s have an in the details view of the smartphone with the official video.
- Display: 6.44-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED
- Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 675
- Front Camera: 32MP + 8MP
- Rear Camera: 48MP + 8MP + 13MP + 2MP
- RAM: 8GB
- Storage: 128GB
- Battery: 4100mAh
- OS: Android 9 Pie
The V17 Pro is built around a 6.44″ FHD+ 20:9 Super AMOLED screen, which Vivo calls Ultra FullView Display. The screen comes with a fingerprint reader underneath and has no notch, because like we said, the phone has a dual selfie camera mounted on an elevating mechanism rising from the top of the frame.
The dual-camera setup comprises of a 32MP main and 8MP ultrawide angle units, with the latter having a FOV of 105 degrees. The pop-up module also houses an earpiece and a flash, which Vivo calls Selfie Softlight, to help you take better selfies in low light. Besides, there’s a feature dubbed Night Selfie that combines multiple frames for better results at night.
Moving on to the back, we get a quad-camera setup aligned vertically in the center. It’s a combination of a 48MP main (Sony IMX582), 13MP telephoto (2x zoom), 8MP ultrawide angle, and 2MP depth sensor modules. The 8MP unit can also be used to capture macro shots of objects from as close as 2.5cm.
On the inside, the Vivo V17 Pro has a Snapdragon 675 SoC with 8GB RAM and 128GB storage. It helps it run Android Pie-based Funtouch OS 9.1 that comes with features like Multi-Turbo and Game Mode. The Vivo V17 Pro is offered in Crystal Black and Crystal Sky colors and packs a 4,100 mAh battery with Dual-Engine Fast Charging (18W) support.
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