Vivo T3x 5G, set to launch in India on April 17, will also follow the Vivo T2x 5G on confirmed design specifications and color options. Vivo T3x 5G will be equipped with dual rear cameras and will be available in a pair of colorways. Vivo, which has previously uncovered the processor that will power the Vivo T3x 5G through promotional materials but has not confirmed the price in these materials, has now revealed some additional information regarding the handset’s battery capacity.
Rumors About Vivo T3x 5G
The Vivo T3x 5G will include a 6,000mAh battery, according to an announcement Vivo India made on X. The fine print indicates that the phone will measure a sleek 0.799cm (7.99mm) in thickness, with the segment defined as “smartphones under the ₹17,000 price range.”
Previously, the Flipkart microsite for the Vivo T3x 5G disclosed that the phone would be priced below ₹15,000 in India. It is expected to offer various RAM and storage configurations ranging from ₹14,000 to ₹17,000, including an enticing 8GB + 128GB option teased on the microsite.
The leaked text guarantees Vivo T3x 5G is affirmed to incorporate the use of a Qualcomm Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC, double back cameras, and Celestial Green and Crimson Red color versions. As per a past report, Vivo T3x is alleged to come with a 6.72” full-HD+ exhibit with a 120 Hz revival rate and 4GB of 128GB of onboard storage, 6GB, and 8GB of RAM.
The handset is to be assumed to be maintained by 44W wired sparkle charging. It is led on the optics division with a 50Unit amplifier main back sensor with a 2Unit amplifier similarity and LED flash back shooter and 8Unit amplifier selfie camera. Additional features may include a side-mounted fingerprint sensor and a potential IP64 rating for dust and splash resistance, with an estimated weight of 199g.