The launch date for the Vivo T2 5G and the Vivo T2x 5G in India has been confirmed. On the 11th of April 2023, at 2:00 PM, both smartphones are going to be presented to the public for the first time. Flipkart now hosts the home page for the T2 series, which is an indication that the product will be sold solely through Flipkart once it is officially revealed.
On the landing page for the T2 series, the brand has provided confirmation of the display features of these devices. On April 7th and 9th, more information regarding the camera and chipset of the T2 duo will be made available.
Vivo T2 5G, Vivo T2x 5G Pricing and Specifications
The pricing of the Vivo T2 series would be below ₹20,000. When the 2 smartphones are released, one of them is probably going to be the brand’s most budget-friendly 5G phone.
According to the image which Vivo released on its main page and social networks, the Vivo T2 and T2x have a boxy appearance with rounded sides. On the top of each smartphone are a SIM card slot and a microphone. Both gadgets also include a dual camera setup with an LED flash.
An FHD+ AMOLED display with a teardrop notch will be featured in the T2 series. The screen will have a maximum brightness of 1,300 nits, a contrast ratio of 6000000:1, and a touch sampling rate of 360Hz. This display seems to be limited to the T2 5G. Although it’s unknown if the T2x will feature an LCD or AMOLED screen.
A recent report claims that the Vivo T2 5G would have a 64MP primary camera with OIS. It will be equipped with a Snapdragon 695 processor and be available in a variety of configurations, including 6GB RAM+128GB storage and 8GB RAM+128GB storage.
The Dimensity 700 and Android 13 OS will be included with the Vivo T2x 5G. It is anticipated that it will be available in three different configurations: 4GB RAM+128GB storage, 6GB RAM+128GB storage, and 8GB RAM+128GB storage.