Vivo launched its first T-Series device, the T1 5G in India earlier in February, the mid-ranger device was priced under 20,000 INR and it came with a really aesthetic design that separated it from the other devices in the same category. It was powered by the Android 12 OS, going by the latest rumors, the brand is likely to launch the Vivo T1 Pro 5G device in India.
In addition to the Vivo T1 Pro 5G, the brand will also launch the Vivo T1 44W smartphone along with the Vivo T1 Pro 5G.
Vivo T1 Pro 5G & Vivo T1 44W likely specs:
The Vivo T1 Pro 5G and the Vivo T1 44W are likely to launch in May and the T1 Pro 5G will be the star of the show. The device is likely to be powered by the Snapdragon 778G SoC.
In terms of the optics department, it could feature a 64MP primary sensor, the camera will have high-quality low light photography features available. The T1 Pro will support 66W fast charging and for cooling, it will have an 8-layer integrated liquid cooling system.
The device will have an AMOLED display with 1300 nits peak brightness. The Vivo T1 44W will be a step below the Vivo T1 5G handset in the lineup. The upcoming device will be a budget model and the pricing is likely to be around the 15,000 INR mark.
The device will be powered by the Snapdragon 680 SoC and feature an AMOLED display but it will have slightly different specs than the T1 Pro. Similar to the Vivo T1, the T1 44W could also arrive with 18W fast charging support.
It will have a 5,000mAh battery. Both the Vivo T1 Pro and Vivo T1 44W will run Android 12-based Funtouch OS. The device will be available for purchase via Flipkart and other prominent retailers. The T1 44W could retail at around 15,000 INR while the T1 Pro 5G will be priced at around 25,000 INR.
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