According to some news, Vivo has filed the patent for a new smartphone. Though, the company has not revealed any other information, except some of the front and back display outline design. Vivo has not started making this phone, but surely they will make it.
From those design, we can ensure it that this will be a quad rear camera set up and in the front, it will be a single camera. From the front camera design, we also can say that this phone will feature a hole-punch display.
Now let’s talk about the rear camera. It is expected to have a rectangular shape and in that shape four cameras are set in a circular design. One camera at the top, two cameras in the middle, and the last one at the bottom. This quad camera set up is expected to feature the gimbal mechanism. If this will be true, then the four cameras will get more stabilization, but also the angle of stabilization will be lower if all the four cameras feature the gimbal stabilization.
Vivo has already launched its world’s first gimbal mechanism-based camera smartphone, which is Vivo X50 Pro. This phone has the best gimbal stabilization. Now we have to wait for that if this new phone from Vivo can compete with Vivo X50 Pro in the case of camera gimbal stabilization.
Looking at the screen design, the display size maybe 6.5-inches, and also this phone may feature a light-weight sleek design. Furthermore, no specifications can be guessed just by looking at the outline designs of that phone.