Earlier this month, Realme teased their foray into the tablet market with their anticipated Realme Pad, now it appears as even Vivo is looking to follow them as well. The smartphone brand has recently registered a patent for 3 new devices in China and a tablet.
Vivo registered their NEX Fold, NEX Roll, and NEX slide devices, these are their upcoming foldable series of smartphones. Vivo may release its NEX lineup at the end of the current year. Earlier reports had emerged of Vivo filing a patent for their foldable technology along with iQOO and Realme.
The names speak for themselves, unfortunately not much is known apart from this about the devices.
Vivo has also filed a patent of a Tablet at CNIPA, it appears to feature a single rear camera along with a flash and a standard front camera. Specs-wise nothing much is known about the device.
Vivo’s tablet looks similar to the Realme pad, or at least from the teasers that Realme has been giving us. The tablet will have a slim narrow-bezel display on the front, the rear camera appears to be slightly protruding.
Vivo has not yet hinted at the release of a tablet yet, but it comes as no surprise considering Vivo and Realme have the same parent company.
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