Amazon Prime Video has dropped the trailer of Karan Deol’s upcoming film. This film has been directed by Deven Munjal. It is mainly the remake of the Telugu movie Brochevarevarua that is starring Sunny Deol’s son Karan Deol, Anya Singh, Abhay Deol, and Mouni Roy.
In this film, Abhay will play the role of Rishi who is a writer-director and pitch the movie to Rohini who is an actor. He has narrated the story of the three friends, Rahul, Rambo, and Raju who also are slackers and get poor grades in school.
They have been befriended with the daughter of the principal Riya and also four of them soon become the “R4 gang”. Riya says about the other three for faking her kidnapping to teach her father a lesson about the things to go m haywire while she has got kidnapped for the real.
The story is based on the journey of the people like you and me, who have inevitably found themselves amidst the chaos of life, for the realization that in the ending, and it all will come together and it will also make some sense.
In a statement, Karan has said about working with Abhay. “I would thank Dimpy chachu for always having my back! He has always been an inspiration for me and working with him is something I’ll always cherish”.
Velle: Release date
This film is already available on Amazon Prime Video. You can also watch it now.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.
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